What Investments are Liquid Vs. Illiquid?

Ok for starters, not all investments are illiquid. And for a second start illiquid means that your money is not easily accessible. Sometimes people think of investments as some money chomping demon that stunts their cash flow and standard of living. But I want you to love investments almost as much as I do so

Do I Really Need a Financial Advisor?

Anyone else have that friend who has a deadbeat boyfriend/girlfriend? When you tell them to leave, they immediately tell you all the reasons (often stupid, foolish reasons) why they stay. They are caught up. Are they glutens for punishment? Probably. Often though they are too emotional to see the person for the loser they are.

How do Investments Differ from Savings Accounts?

The major difference between savings accounts vs. investment accounts is that savings accounts are FDIC insured and most investments are not. FDIC stands for “Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation” and it was created as part of the “New Deal” by FDR (Franklin Delano Roosevelt.) FDR was the 32nd President of the United States and served 4

How an Investment CD Works

I get asked this question all the time. But, there is a dramatic difference between a CD (Certificate of Deposit) and a Non-FDIC investment. Let’s start with what FDIC insurance is and does. FDIC stands for “Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation” and it was created as part of the “New Deal” by FDR (Franklin Delano Roosevelt.)