Does money buy happiness? I say you bet your sweet ass it does. This whole belief that money is the root of all evil and isn’t necessary to be happy is a bunch of BS.
When you pay your bills for the month, buy groceries and have enough money left over to get gas and see a show; How do you feel? Pretty damn happy I think. So maybe a better question would be can money buy Peace of Mind? I think so.
That is really all that investments are, in my humble opinion. It’s a strategy designed to increase your money thus potentially increasing your happiness. Now I will throw in a C Blocker disclaimer here- investing does not guarantee an increase in your money. Yet, even a conservative investment may give you the opportunity to outpace inflation better than a savings account.
Investments aren’t evil like portrayed in movies such as “Wall Street” or “The Wolf of Wall Street”. People like Gordon Gekko, with slicked-back hair, taking old ladies money and being a total ass, no. Investments give YOU an opportunity to possibly increase your money, and to increase your happiness. That’s what investments are and that’s why you should think about investing.
There are tons of ways for you to access investments. Investing is way easier now than in the 80’s. As a matter of fact, you’re reading the words of someone who can help you right now, so No Excuses!
In later Blog Posts, we will discuss different investments types, but that day is not today. If you have questions or want to tell me how great I am feel free to hit me up at @melrocksmoney or email me at
-Rock On- Mel O CFP®/Rocker Chick Extraordinaire
P.S.-Yet more C-Blocker Disclaimers. See what I live with? Ah to be a pearl hidden in the sand. Such is life I guess.
Investing involves risks including possible loss of principal. No investment strategy or risk management technique can guarantee a return of eliminate risk in all market environments.